What is Origins Consulting?

What is Origins Enneagram Consulting?
Origins Enneagram Consulting is a place for you to find movement, awareness, and transformation in your life. When you have the right tools for your unique situation it can bring new insights, accelerate the growth process, and lead you to authentic and lasting change.
Origins is here to guide you in creating changes in your life by providing you with opportunities to see your stuck places and automatic patterns in a new light. We use the Enneagram as the lens to provide you with a starting point that will help you understand yourself more clearly and give you a roadmap to move forward.
Once you're aware of the unconscious ways you're operating you get to stop living on auto-pilot and live with intention. We know how powerful it can be when you finally understand that you have choices for yourself. And the old patterns, challenges, and habits that no longer serve you can be replaced with new choices.
Origins Enneagram Consulting offers Typing Interviews, One-on-One Consultations, Group Classes, Professional or Personal Workshops, Couples Work, Enneagram Parties, and an 8-week program uniquely designed to help you find transformation with support and guidance from a certified Enneagram Practitioner.
Our goals in working with you are:
To guide you in harnessing your own inner wisdom to move through struck places and create meaningful change in your life.
To encourage you to leverage your inherent strengths, find balance, create new habits, communicate more effectively with others, and learn to process emotions in a new way.
To help you uncover your unconscious motivations to loosen unwanted emotional patterns, unproductive behaviors, and the limiting false beliefs you are holding onto.
To empower you to see yourself and and others more clearly, deepening self-awareness and strengthening relationships.
"If we observe ourselves truthfully and non-judgmentally, seeing the mechanisms of our personality in action, we can wake up, and our lives can be a miraculous unfolding of beauty and joy.” ~ Don Richard Riso, The Wisdom of the Enneagram