Type 3: The Successful Achiever
You might be a 3 if...
You connect to the words capable, leadership, possibility, enthusiasm, action, encouragement, problem-solving, ability to provide, efficiency, practicality, competence, and achievement.
You excel at reading a room and automatically tuning in to the people around you so that you know what they value. Often, using that information so that you can tailor how you present yourself.
You like setting goals and then doing what it takes to accomplish them. Once you have defined the result you want, you can easily design a map to get yourself there.
You want people to see you as competent and successful. You know how to do what it takes to work hard and deliver.
You may hide parts of yourself that don’t appear competent or successful.
Without really trying, you see what you need to do to appear and to be successful in different contexts in your life.
You accomplish tasks easily and enjoy being productive and getting things down. Slowing down is probably hard for you. To stop doing might feel near impossible.
You likely avoid failure at all costs. If you think you might fail, you might not try it.
While you value your relationships, they might take a backseat in order for you to focus on whatever tasks need to get done.
It sometimes feels hard to know your heart’s innermost desires and feelings. Though you do have lots of feelings, it's not always easy to identify or share them.
You want to be valued for who you are and not just what you accomplish, but sometimes it feels hard to know who you really are. This can sometimes be a result of overidentifying with work, roles in life, or activities.
You like stimulating competitions, getting results, doing what you’re good at and knowing what’s expected.
Common Stereotype:
Threes can be perceived as having no feelings or only caring about their goals, efficiency, and image.

Running Towards:
Being admired, successful, and valuable. Having high status or respect.
Running From:
Being exposed or thought of as incompetent, inefficient, or worthless; failing to be or appear to be successful
Core Longing:
To know that “I am loved for simply being me”
Core Struggle:
Deceiving myself into thinking that I am only the image I present to others, embellishing the truth by putting on a polished persona for everyone (including myself) to see and admire
Subtypes of Type 3: The Successful Achiever
SELF- PRESERVATION 3: SECURITY (the countertype)
This type of three shows their vanity by having no vanity. They want to be good AND to look good, and they are set on doing what it takes to be a good person. They want to be admired and seen as successful by others but won’t let others see that and will avoid seeking recognition or praise. This type of 3 will seek to feel good and find security through being effective and productive, working hard, and by being good. Looking for their security, they can be the biggest workaholic of all 27 subtypes on the Enneagram. They don't brag about their achievements, but this type of 3 is more modest and less competitive than the other 3s. This type of 3 is also very self-sufficient and independent, often feeling anxious or stressed underneath, but they will typically not let that show.
This subtype cares the most about image and influence. They enjoy being on stage more than others and welcome the admiration and applause. They are good at selling themselves and finding the best and most efficient way to get something done. They don't mind cutting corners if it's for the sake of efficiency and the end result. They are masters at achieving and getting the job done. They are very capable and confident…whatever they are selling, we are buying. :) This type of 3 is socially brilliant, knowing how to carefully choose words when talking to people. They are able to make a good impression, influence others, get what they need, and reach their goals as a result. They are the most competitive and aggressive of the 3 subtypes.
In this type of 3, vanity is neither embraced like the Social 3, nor denied like the Self-Preservation 3, but is somewhere in the middle. They still want to look good but this type is focusing on the achievement of others to make themselves look good. They are very good at promoting others-their success comes from the success of that other person. This type of 3 has a harder time talking about themself and puts a lot of energy into pleasing others. They avoid being vulnerable or seen by drawing attention to others and not themselves. They are focused outward on others but possibly disconnected from who they are internally. They are usually more emotional and shy than the other subtypes of 3, often feeling deep sadness inside.